CG_Pies (Test Varitant)

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CG_Pies is a collection of menus and UI elements that brings the most commonly used operators and features right in front of you, closer to you main workspace so you do not have to look for them in various different tabs, saving your precious time and speeding up you workflow.

  1. Super Z (Advance Viewport Shading Pie Menu)
    This whole add-on started with Super Z. I find the basic Viewport Shading Pie menu lacking in features as it only provides 4 shading options or 6 if you use the "Extra Shading Menu Items".

    The Super Z pie Menu is bundled with a bunch of useful shading options.

    Below you will find the explanation for what each option so:

    (A) The Basics: These are the 4 Basic options you will find in the default menu as well as the X-Ray option.
    (B)Viewport Shading Color types: You will find these options in the Viewport shading Menu in the 3D Viewport header.

    These will allow you to change the color type of the objects in viewport.
    OBJ-> Displays the object colors , this is where I keep during the modelling and layout phase. This paired with the Object color allows you to better visualize your scene with colors.
    Ran-> Displays a Random color for each Object in the scene. Good for when there are a large amount of objects in the scene.
    Mat-> Displays the Material color of the object that can be set in the Viewport display section of the material .
    Tex-> Displays the texture on the object.
    ** if you do not find this section useful, you can turn it off from the Addon Preferences.
    (C) Quick hide/unhide

    These icons will toggle the visibility of different UI Elements as follow:
    i. Partial hide/unhide: This works similar to hiding the overlays completely except for the Text and Statistics. It will also hide the Gizmos. This is very useful for when you just want to see the rendered viewport without any overlays, and with the info text to see the render status or crashes. This will also not hide any image you have placed in the camera.
    ii.Overlays: Will toggle the Overlays Completely.
    iii. Gizmos: Will toggle the Gizmos.
    iv. Bones: Will toggle Bones' visibility.
    v. Relationship lines: Will toggle the visibility of Relationship lines
    (D) Surface Overlays

    This section gives you the option to toggle the:
    i. Face Orientation
    ii. Backface culling
    iii. Cavity
    iv. Wireframe, you also get a slider to control the Opacity of the Wireframe.

    ** in case you don't find these options that useful to you you can turn off this section from the addon preferences.
    (E) Object utilities

    All the options in this sections work on a per object bases, and are traditionally found in the Viewport display section of the Object properties tab. This section is not visible if there is no active object.

    i. Object Color: It will allow you to change the color of the object which you can see if the viewport color type is set to object.
    ii. Copy Object Color: Set the object color for all the selected objects to that of the active object.
    iii. Reset Object color: Reset the Object Color.
    iv. Display wire: Works the same as the wireframe from the previous section, only difference being it only shows the wireframe for the selected object.
    v. In Front: toggles the infront property keeping he object always in front of the other objects.
    vi-ix. Displays the selected object as Bounds, Wirefame, Solid or textured respectively.
    x.Make Empty: This is a custom operator that turns any selected mesh object into something similar to an empty object. this allows you to make you own empty objects.
    -> This is done by displaying the mesh as wireframe and turning off its visibility and contribution to indirect lighting in camera.
    -> The operator also changes the name of the object in the outliner by adding the prefix "Cempty_" in its name, making it easy to find and filter these custom empty objects.
    -> The button works a toggle button and will reverse changes to visibility and the name if used again on a custom empty object restoring it to mesh.
    ** I working on further developing this Make Empty operator,
    * Currently these Cempty objects remain visible if the overlays are turned of, unlike regular empties
    *Also, I am planning that once an Cempty is created it is also linked into a separate collection, making the Cempties east to find.

    ** If you feel that this section is cluttering up the pie menu for you, it can be used as a separate menu with the key shortcut(Y) or can also be completely turned off from the addon preferences.

  1. All in 1 Transform

    The All in 1 Transform is a custom pie menu that is an amalgamation of three different menus, transform orientation, pivot point & affect only, which I have found myself using in tandem quite often, but switching between them can be a process if done constantly. So just like any other person obsessed with organization and speed I mashed them up in a single menu.

    The Menu is quite simple to understand. It also has great customization options in the Addon preferences. I don't think that you would use all the options in this menu frequently, thus you can pick and chose almost every button in this menu from the addon preferences.

  1. The Grand Parent Menu

    Apart from the "Grand" prefix in its name, this is nothing special right now (big features in progress).
    But as of now it is just a combination of the Parent and Clear parent menu. I created this menu because pressing the key combination Ctrl P or Alt P while working in a flow disturbs my ideal hand placement with one hand on left side of the keyboard and other hand on the mouse and the "P" key by itself does nothing in the object mode.
    You can also use the Y or U key for this menu depending on your personal key maps.

    You will find the Clear parent menu on the left and on the right I have split the Parent menu into 2 sections, first with the 4 regular Parent Options and the second with the context specific options

Hope this addon helps you to speed up your workflow and general usability Don't forget to leave a good review if you like it.

If you have suggestion or feedback for making the addon better you can share it with me at

Also, you and Follow me at chaitanya_s_renders/ or

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CG_Pies (Test Varitant)

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